The Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises aim is to represent the entire transport sector. And with seven member associations which altogether organise 9 100 companies with around 204 000 employees, we are well on the way.
The core of our operation is consultation. We work locally as well as internationally to support our members and to meet their varying requirements, especially in the field of collective agreements and labour law. The Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises is a part of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.
The Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises has a strong voice. When we highlight a particular issue, the media, politicians and labour unions listen.
Companies in the transportation sector carry out their tasks, in many cases crossing borders whether this is by sea, land or air. For all, the EU is a driving force – that’s where a major part of the legislation that affects us is decided. We actively defend the interests of the Swedish transport industry in Europe, and offer our members up-to-date information on regulations and conditions for companies and industries.
Co-operation between the employers' associations means more strength both within the context of the Swedish Confederation of Industries and more strength for our members. Positive relations in recent years with the employee side have built up a strong foundation for constructive solutions at the negotiation table.
We make the vital importance of transportation for the economy known. We also have taken on the challenging task to highlight the importance of the transport industry to business and society as a whole. The bottom line is “Transport is society's circulation of blood and an inalienable part of commercial and industrial life in our country”.
The Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises provides its members with the tools they need to deal with the demands that they meet every day particularly in their role as employers.
We offer member companies individual solutions and collective strength. Consultation is therefore a pivotal part of our business, and members can quickly access help when they need it.
The majority of our 70 or so employees are lawyers with long experience in the trade. They and all other experts are at our member’s disposal for matters such as labour legislation and court cases in district and labour courts, union negotiations regarding new contracts on the labour market, personnel issues, the working environment, competence development and EU regulations. We reach collective agreements on pay and employment terms for our member organisations.
You find us in the north, the south, the east and the west in Sweden
To support members in their day-to-day work we are always near by in Sweden, with regional offices in Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Växjö, Jönköping, Örebro, Falun, Umeå and Sundsvall.
The Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises offers education, relevant and suitable for small, medium sized as well as large member companies. In addition to our standard range of programmes, we offer member companies tailor made training to meet their requirements. Our programmes aim at expanding knowledge in labour law and contracts, working environment obligations and wage administration. Such training offers ideal opportunities to learn more, but also to develop a network of valuable new contacts.
We work to ensure that the companies' current and future employees receive vocational training and further education.
We conduct this long-term competence development initiative together with several partner organisations, including TYA (The Vocational Training and Working Environment Council (Transport Trades), and MBC and LYN (councils for the motor and car painting and varnishing trades).
The Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises includes eight employers’ and trade associations.