Pension and insurance solutions

Enhanced employment pension
Our market-based and cost-effective occupational pension offers approximately 20-30 percent higher pension payouts compared to equivalent premiums paid through an insurance broker. For white collar workers, the pension is administered by Collectum, and for blue collar workers, it is managed by Fora.
Secure insurance against workplace injury
Our occupational injury insurance (TFA) provides superior protection compared to privately obtained insurance and covers all employees. It not only compensates for damages occurring at the workplace but also during the commute to and from work.
Compensation for extended sick leave
In the event of long-term sick leave, our insurance includes the group sickness insurance (AGS) that provides compensation from the 15th day for white collar workers. White collar workers receive disability pension coverage through the ITP scheme, starting from the 91st day.
Death coverage
In the unfortunate event of an employee's death, Tjänstegrupplivförsäkring (TGL) pays out a tax-free lump sum to the survivors of the deceased employee. Additionally, employees have the option to choose survivors' protection within the framework of the occupational pension.
Labor shortage
Our transition insurance provides support to employees in case of dismissal due to a lack of work and assists them in finding new employment. Depending on the employee's age and length of service, financial support may also be provided.
Parental benefit supplement
Blue collar workers are entitled to the parental allowance supplement (FPT), which offers additional compensation during parental leave.
Work permits for employees from non EU-countries
By utilizing our insurance solutions, your company meets the requirements set by the Swedish Migration Agency for granting work permits to individuals from non-EU countries.
Navigating the world of pensions and insurance can often feel complex, but as a memeber in one of our associations within the Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises, we make it easier and more secure for you. A comprehensive insurance package is now considered standard practice, and by having collective agreements in place, you can ensure that you meet these expectations.
Simplify employer responsibilities
As an employer, you are responsible for procuring the occupational pensions and insurances outlined in your collective agreement. However, you won't be alone in this process. Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises are available to provide guidance and support every step of the way. Additionally, you can find helpful checklists and valuable information on the website, a platform operated jointly by Svenskt Näringsliv, LO, and PTK. Avtalat caters not only to employers but also offers employees a resource to find answers to their questions.